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Orpheus Lummis


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orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

3 months ago


Thanks for your comment and question.

Our strategy to increase distribution of the newsletter:
- Increase the quality of the newsletter such that the organic growth rate increases
- Contact team members of safety teams of major AI labs and academic centers (supernodes) to share it on their internal communications channels
- Share it on the AI Alignment Slack (#events), and potentially other popular events-related channels
- Nudge maintainers of onboarding resources for new AI safety researchers to include it as a recommended resource

This is tentative and open to feedback. We've grown to ~1K subscribers so far with organic growth but the resource would likely be beneficial to at least 2-3x more people. We would attempt proactive growth in 2025.

orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

3 months ago

I believe PIBSS is a solid project – recruiting senior researchers into AI safety research, developing rigorous theoretical foundations backed by empirical work, and consistently producing valuable research outputs.

orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

3 months ago

Liron's interviews are useful contributions to the public discourse and are on a good trajectory. They have potential to engage broader audiences. Additionally, I've personally benefited from them.

orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

3 months ago

AI Safety Camp provides important infrastructure for the field.

orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

3 months ago

Lightcone provides important infrastructure.

orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

3 months ago

Progress at the intersection of Live Machinery and governance processes / public administration could have significant potential upsides.
I've met Murray in person, and I've been impressed by their insight on law, governance, history, collaborativeness, care, and potentialities of leveraging AI tech in this space.

orpheus avatar

Orpheus Lummis

4 months ago

redesigning the machinery (i.e. interfaces, infrastructure, methodology) underlying formal theories to take advantage of AI assistance seems worth exploring 👍


Live Governance2 months agoproject donation20
PIBBSS - General Programs funding or specific funding3 months agoproject donation20
Doom Debates - Podcast & debate show to help AI x-risk discourse go mainstream3 months agoproject donation20
10th edition of AI Safety Camp3 months agoproject donation20
Lightcone Infrastructure3 months agoproject donation20
Manifund Bank3 months agodeposit+100
[AI Safety Workshop @ EA Hotel] Autostructures4 months agoproject donation150
Fatebook and Quantified Intuitions6 months agoproject donation50
CEEALAR6 months agoproject donation100
AI Animals and Digital Minds 20256 months agoproject donation100
MATS Program6 months agoproject donation50
Lightcone Infrastructure6 months agoproject donation50
Manifund Bank7 months agodeposit+500