quirkyllama avatar
Josh Sacks


Software Engineer in Boulder, CO

$3,941total balance
$3,941charity balance
$0cash balance

$0 in pending offers

Outgoing donations


News through prediction marketsbought $144 @ $500 valuation
Distribute HPMOR copies in Bangalore, Indiabought $665 @ $1.25K valuation


quirkyllama avatar

Josh Sacks

3 days ago

Lightcone is an amazing hub for the rationality/progress community.

quirkyllama avatar

Josh Sacks

12 months ago

Academia seems like one place where substituting reputation for $$ makes sense. I'd focus on building a reputation system, rather than solving the hard problem of real $$


Lightcone Infrastructure3 days agoproject donation1000
Platform for migrants to start legal & profitable microbusinesses.5 months agouser to user trade50
Distribute HPMOR copies in Bangalore, India11 months agouser to user trade165
Distribute HPMOR copies in Bangalore, India11 months agouser to user trade500
News through prediction markets11 months agouser to user trade144
Build anti-mosquito drones12 months agoproject donation500
Manifund Bank12 months agodeposit+6000
Manifund Bank12 months agodeposit+300