Manifold Markets Add-on for Google Sheets

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Project description

I want to create an add-on compatible with Google Sheets which will be available on Google Workspace Marketplace (https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/) which will allow people to easily access the predictions in Manifold´s Markets when they´re editing a Google Sheets document.

Given Google Sheet´s popularity, this will make it easier to utilize the forecasting results for actual decision-making.

What is your track record on similar projects?

The team consist only on myself.

I am an economist and currently working for an NGO project focused on business consultancy for small-business.

During my time in there, I was able to participate in the development of customized Google Sheets and Google AppSheets for small-business, as well as promoting the use of a CRM app.

I do not have experience publishing for Google Workspace Marketplace, but my experience with Google App Scripts makes me believe (90% confidence) that developing and publishing this add-on will be feasible.

How will you spend your funding?

  • $700 will be the remuneration for creating the Google Workspace Add-on

  • $100 will be used to promote ads for the interested audience, in order for the Add-on to begin getting traction.

    • Additional funding will be used in more ads.

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JesusDeSivar avatar

1. How much money have you spent so far? Have you gotten more funding from other sources? Do you need more funding?

I have spent around $491 out of the $691 originally given (not counting my 10% share). I have not gotten more funding from other sources.

2. How is the project going? (a few paragraphs)

I have created:

  • A basic template (now called Mantic View)

  • A website where I have uploaded the template, accessibly publicly here: https://jesusdesivar.github.io/manticView/

    • This website also contains the Terms of Services, which are necessary for publication.

    • I'm currently in the process of building the complement in Google Cloud Platform previous to its review for publication

    • Once publicated, I will promote it on Manifold Markets itself

3. How well has your project gone compared to where you expected it to be at this point? (Score from 1-10, 10 = Better than expected)

I would say 6.

I'm particularly happy that the template seems to be useful and that I got the website up and running, but the publication process is more complicated that I anticipated.

4. Are there any remaining ways you need help, besides more funding?

I would love to open source the project, which is based on Manifold Market's API.

That's why I have licensed the Github Repo (for the website) with MIT License and, if Austin Chen agrees, I will also post the source for the template and complement openly on the Github with the same license.

If that happens, I think that the best way would be to expand upon the capabilities of the API in order to implement more stuff, such as the recently uploaded "Portfolio".

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JesusDeSivar avatar

May update:

I have created @Austin's idea: A template Google Sheet with formulas that read from Manifold's API, which you can access from here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UEdKw8Z2f2B7n9t7maQe53zEFr_a38iTDCl2vemd5PM/edit?usp=sharing

  • I consider this the "Alpha" version, because it's (hopefully an improved version of) this code which will later be submitted to Google in order to approve the Add-on.

  • You can comment on the Google Sheets, but in order to actually use it you have to make a copy of Google Sheets to your own gmail account... and don´t forget to copy the Google App Scripts project, too!

  1. Asks

    1. The Google App Scripts code is public now, so you can consider this an open source project now. Please, feel free to make your own changes.

    2. Specifically, I'd like know if Manifold´s API has a way of searching all the markets by a group. Basically like GET /v0/market/[marketId] but by group slug.

      1. Also, it would be a GREAT idea to replace the group "slug" by a sort of "ticker". So, in the same way that I would go to Google Finance to look for "GOOG", I might as well go to Manifold and search for the group of all markets related to google.

    3. I'd love to participate in @BTE's podcast, so as to bring more attention from Manifold´s users to this "alpha" template.

    4. Also, if somebody can tell me how much time does it takes for Google to approve an add-on in practice, that would be great. I'm operating from the assumption that I can get it published in a month or less.

  2. Highlights

    1. Created custom Google Sheets formulas that connect with Manifold´s API.

    2. Created and shared this template with you all, who will hopefully test it and give me ideas to improve it.

  3. Lowligths

    1. Progress has been slower than expected.

    2. I have not tested the template with other users.

    3. I have not submitted it to Google for publishing as an add-on.

    4. I have yet to run ads for promoting it (Probably I will just create a market on Manifold and boost it).

Thanks for your support, and I hope that together we can make this a really useful feature for Manifold´s community.

BTE avatar

Brian T. Edwards

almost 2 years ago

I have been playing around with the add on in sheets and it’s brilliant!! Spark charts would be very useful added feature maybe!!

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JesusDeSivar avatar

@BTE I'm very glad that it has worked! I will look into adding spark charts

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JesusDeSivar avatar

P.D: Thanks @RachelWeinberg !

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JesusDeSivar avatar

Hi @AustinChen!

  • As for your and @ErnestFrench´s question, it would work basically like MarketView works now: Allowing you to pull real-time data (from Manifund), track & monitor most of the Manifold Markets and Track your portfolio.

  • I think that a simpler version of this would be a template with Google App Scripts with Ernest´s idea: Matching GOOGLEFINANCE with something like MANIFOLDMARKETS. The only problem would be with distribution: In order to distribute templates they are usually posted on a website, and I currently don´t have any website. I could, however, give it to you at Manifold for your distribution

  • I haven´t spoken with anybody else about the use cases of this add-on, but I think that it would be of great use for:

    • Anyone in finance. For example: A quick search in Manifold gives like 20 different markets for "inflation". It would be useful to incorporate some of them into a financial dashboard to predict future returns in real time as the manifold markets change.

    • Scott Alexander (and anyone participating in the ACX Prediction Contest) could aggregate the 50-something contest questions into one dashboard in order to track it.

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Austin avatar

Austin Chen

about 2 years ago

Hi Jesus! A Google Sheets add-on for Manifold is definitely not something we'd ever considered before; thanks for suggesting it! I think a lot of professionals spend their time in Google Sheets, and making it easier to access forecasts or use forecasting results in their formulas seems potentially very useful.

Some questions I had:

  • (As Ernest asked) how specifically would it work? Do you have a mockup or something that would demonstrate it's functionality?

  • Is there a simpler version of this you could make that would be useful (eg a template Google Sheet with formulas that read from Manifold's API, instead of an add on?)

  • Who do you think would be using this add on, besides yourself? Have you spoken with them about their use cases?

ErnestFrench avatar

Ernest French

about 2 years ago

How would it work? What would the interface be like? Would you match GOOGLEFINANCE with something like '=MANIFOLDMARKETS("<TICKER>")'

Rachel avatar

Rachel Weinberg

about 2 years ago

By the way, I changed your minimum funding to $720 as we discussed on the call, so now you own 10% at a valuation of $800 instead of $889.

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JesusDeSivar avatar

@Nathan Young

Yes! Specially if there are more latin american economics related questions on Manifold Markets.

For example, in my kob I have often used variables such as the inflation rate in 3 years for investment analysis, or the results of the next election for SWOT analysis.

With this add-on I could create a market in Manifold and input the result directly on a dashboard or model. For example, if inflation is higher than x% yearly, increase price by Y%.

NathanYoung avatar

Nathan Young

about 2 years ago

Would you use this personally?