
Blog about Forecasting Global Catastrophic Risks

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Project description

The blog can be found here: https://damienlaird.substack.com/

It's already well underway, and is exclusively focused on figuring out how to better forecast things related to global catastrophic risks. I'm treating the project as equal parts live journal and blog, as much dedicated to thinking out loud as I try and figure out how to have the most impact I can in this area as it is to directly sharing useful information.

So far I've written research summaries on relevant topics, theorized about areas for improvement, and even done a hypothetical case study on how internal forecasting at Open Philanthropy could be improved. I participated in a GCR focused forecasting tournament in 2022 that I think was quite novel and interesting, and on March 1st I'll be able to post all my forecasts and a post mortem. Both of those posts are already written. Moving forward, I'm focusing much more on the meta level question of how to improve forecasting vs. actually doing forecasting, but some forecasting will likely still be useful to test various things.

This is a pretty focused blog and I'm definitely not pursuing any kind of popular appeal. It's never intended to be a revenue source, no content will ever be paywalled, and it will remain focused on this particular (very) niche topic.

What is your track record on similar projects?

I have been following the forecasting world for roughly a couple years just out of naïve interest. In that time I was also searching for a field where I could have an impact on mitigating global catastrophic risks as a set, vs. focusing on any one in particular. I have been volunteering with The Consilience Project, networking, and just in general attempting to learn more about GCRs and potential mitigation strategies. After participating in a forecasting tournament in this area, and digging into the supporting research, I realized that advancing the art of forecasting in this direction is likely the focus area I've been looking for. To date, my track record is participation in that tournament ($4500 in rewards so far, selected by team for best forecasts and best comments) and what I've published on my blog already. I think the blog has also kick-started a relationship that could translate into a more tangible project improving the sensemaking/research space around GCR forecasts, but it's still too early to say or to pursue funding for that.

How will you spend your funding?

The blog has no overhead. Occasionally I might purchase access to academic papers, but so far I've been able to avoid that. The funding is mostly to incentivize me to work on this project versus other uses of this time. I have an unrelated full-time job, and all of this work is a hobby for me right now. If I receive this funding, I'm committing to average 1 blog post per week between receiving funding and September (~24 posts). I will strive to make these posts as useful as possible for advancing this topic.

I'm also hoping that participating in this funding round can highlight my blog to the (likely rare) individuals out there interested in sharing feedback on it or collaborating on related projects. Please don't hesitate to reach out on Twitter if that's you! I'm @Damien_Laird there.

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Austin avatar

Austin Chen

almost 2 years ago

@DamienLaird: Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that you won't be continuing to write, as I've enjoyed your blogging these last few months. As I've conveyed via email, I appreciate the refund offer but think you should keep the investment, as you've already dedicated significant time towards what I consider to be good work.

Best wishes with your next projects!

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DamienLaird avatar

Damien Laird

almost 2 years ago

Unforeseeable changes in my professional life have consumed the time and energy that I was previously dedicating to this blog and related efforts. While these changes are positive for me overall, I am struggling to even watch the spaces of forecasting and global catastrophic risk mitigation let alone contribute to them. More life changes on the horizon mean it’s unlikely I’m back in the next year or so, but I do hope to return to this and related projects eventually.

A brief retrospective…

I posted something to the blog every week for about 3 months. All of those posts represented meaningful work from my perspective, and I think each was either an effort to more clearly collect and communicate relevant information or an attempt to start building something new that I thought would be useful. I’m proud of this output for this timeframe, but obviously wish I could have sustained it for longer. I did not find the opportunities for collaboration on projects that I was initially hoping for, but I’m optimistic that these would have come with time.

My biggest cause of regret is not fulfilling the commitment I made in my proposal to continue this blogging effort until September. Two investors contributed a combined $1,000 based on that stated goal and the expected impact of my work. I’ll be reaching out to them individually to offer a refund of that investment.

While I’m away, if you find any of my work on the blog interesting and would like to discuss it, please still leave a comment on the post or reach out to me on Twitter. I’ll make time for a chat.

Thanks for reading.

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PeterMcCluskey avatar

Peter McCluskey

about 2 years ago

I interacted a bit with Damien in Tetlock's Hybrid Forecasting-Persuasion Tournament, and I can confirm that he seemed more competent and diligent than most superforecasters.

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DamienLaird avatar

Damien Laird

about 2 years ago

Hi Austin. Thanks for the questions (and for building awesome tools in the forecasting world!). I just realized a few days ago, while listening to a podcast with Michael Aird, that I should probably be cross-posting at least most of the content to the EA forum. I plan on starting to work through the backlog very soon!

To answer the questions in order...

  • Very little feedback so far, but this was about what I was expecting so early for such a niche topic. The EA forum might help me get feedback on my reasoning/writing/point me to new research sources, but I'd be pretty surprised if the posts got direct responses from people working on the problem of figuring out how to better forecast GCRs.

  • The blog is actually focusing on the question of "how to improve the forecasting of GCRs" vs. me attempting to forecast GCRs. I have no reason to believe my current forecasts would be more accurate or useful than those that are already out there. My current mental model is that most of the impact will be from using the blog posts (specifically the "Application" ones that are sort of project outlines built off of the work in the rest) to do outreach to specific individuals and organizations in positions to either collaborate on implementing some version of them or to give feedback on why they don't think they're useful so I can create useful ones. I'm currently doing this for my piece on Open Philanthropy's internal forecasting, but I'm very excited about a piece I'm working on right now about how Metaculus could be connected to the EA forum to both reward posts that actually make people more accurate forecasters (tracked with citations in forecast rationales), and to incentivize the creation/concentration of deeper knowledge on forecasted topics that accumulates over time. I have a looser picture in my head of the next Application post, which will probably be how a Discord bot/servers could be used to create cultures of practice between forecasters and help them become more accurate by learning from each other.

P.S. - I'm currently pretty pessimistic about using prediction markets to forecast GCRs, mostly because of the incentives against information sharing and the long time horizons, but if you think differently, or think there's another promising direction that I'm missing, I'd love to chat sometime! If there is a possible solution in the prediction markets space, I'd expect it to be found in play money markets like Manifold.

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Austin avatar

Austin Chen

about 2 years ago

Hi Damien, it's cool that you've already been putting significant time into writing up and publishing these posts already; I've just subscribed to your substack! You should consider cross-posting your articles to the EA Forum for increased visibility ;)

A couple questions that might help investors thinking about investing:

  • What kind of feedback have you gotten on your blog posts so far?

  • Where do you see your blog adding value, compared to other sources of info on GCRs?