HenriThunberg avatar
Henri Thunberg


Development Officer @ Rethink Priorities, Chairman @ Ge Effektivt

$30total balance
$30charity balance
$0cash balance

$0 in pending offers

Outgoing donations


HenriThunberg avatar

Henri Thunberg

7 months ago

@HenriThunberg (Note that I have a CoI as the Chairman/Founder of Ge Effektivt, though I am not directly involved in this project per se)

HenriThunberg avatar

Henri Thunberg

7 months ago

I supported this project because ...
- I have heard very positive feedback from attendees
- It seems meaningful for me to learn how to better approach non-EA professionals
- The events are, in a relative sense, extremely cheap to run, since people pitch in with their own free time, space, food, et.c. A few thousand dollars will seemingly make a huge difference both on how feasible it is to keep running these, and what qualities they will hold.
- The model has had extensive success in the Netherlands with the 10% club, and I think there's nothing stopping similar success in Sweden


Fund Sentinel for Q1-20255 months agoproject donation100
Fatebook and Quantified Intuitions5 months agoproject donation50
Budget for events aiming to "mainstream" EA in Sweden5 months agoproject donation300
Budget for events aiming to "mainstream" EA in Sweden6 months agoproject donation50
Budget for events aiming to "mainstream" EA in Sweden6 months agoproject donation150
AI Animals and Digital Minds 20256 months agoproject donation50
Animal Advocacy Strategy Forum6 months agoproject donation50
Teamwork - professional EA co-working space in Berlin7 months agoproject donation20
Manifund Bank7 months agodeposit+800