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Sage Max


I work in the animal welfare movement and love what I do as Legal Operations Specialist at Legal Impact for Chickens!
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Sage Max

4 months ago

As someone working in the US legal system for animals I know how limited our scope is and I'm excited to see what this team can do!

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Sage Max

6 months ago

Marisa is extremely talented, connected, and knowledgable. She helped Legal Impact for Chickens majorly step up our social media game by connecting us with mission-aligned influencers. Marisa helped us get their attention by creating a beautiful, thorough influencer packet just for us, which laid out everything someone would need to promote our nonprofit, from example posts, to imagery, to why our work is important in bettering the world. We are so lucky that Marisa found us and volunteered her services for free--she deserves to be paid well for her exceptional work, which will make all of our jobs easier and our impact greater. Thank you, Marisa!

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Sage Max

7 months ago

@EmPonders- So so true! Steven is the best human. :)

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Sage Max

7 months ago

It's so important to have spaces where we can come together as a community. As someone who's been involved in animal rights and EA causes for along time, I take the community for granted. What Connect For Animals does brings in so many new people (many of whom are isolated from other animal advocates entirely) for the first time and makes them feel like they are joining a large, vibrant, active community--this is how we make lasting change for animals, and how we keep bringing in new life to our small movement.

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Sage Max

12 months ago

LIC is doing groundbreaking work for farmed animals in the legal sphere. As far as I know, it is the only US nonprofit law firm focused exclusively on factory farmed animals.

As a new employee at the organization, I can say for sure that everyone here is highly motivated to do this work well and as efficiently as possible. These are incredibly impressive litigators who went to top schools and could be doing anything else, but they care deeply about making a better world for chickens and have dedicated their careers to that end. I know that Alene Anello, our captain, is constantly thinking about how we can do more and what will be the most streamlined approach.


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