What progress have you made since your last update?
Converging on Reddit as a great platform for message testing:
Not a lot of bots/not very noisy compared to other platforms (e.g., on Twitter, the noise is very high; we tested this by running nonsensical ads).
If, despite Reddit's recommendation, you leave the comments open, people tend to comment to express their thoughts.
There are downvotes, which means you can have negative feedback; most ads on the platform have more downvotes than upvotes.
As a negative aspect, it's hard to do very precise targeting: we can target by location and interests/subreddits, but can't directly select, e.g., target gender and age.
Our results on ads that describe AI x-risk:
Note that right now, we're not aware of the long-term outcomes: how much do people change their minds or become more precisely concerned about the right problem? (We have some evidence for that via comments, but we don't know what happens to most people.) We'd need higher budgets to be able to robustly measure this.
Click-through rates (CTR): consistently 3-5% (10x of the platform's benchmarks for the best-performing ads), up to 15% for some audiences.
Upvote ratios (% of votes which are upvotes): consistently around 75% (almost all normal ads on the platform have <50%; from running non-optimized ads which are more similar to normal ads, we estimate that the upvote ratios for advertisement are usually around 5-30%).
People share our posts! 5-6% of people who click on an advertised post then click on the share button, which I think is insanely high and I was pretty surprised when I looked at it.
Cost per click (CPC): consistently around $0.10.
See an example of the kinds of things that we explain in our ads.
Is there anything others could help you with?
Do you know any other AI x-risk ads campaigns that get more upvotes than downvotes on Reddit? If you're aware of any, please let us know, we'd be excited to chat to them! (Everything that we've seen that others run gets more downvotes than upvotes.)
Do you know people who understand AI x-risk well and are great at communicating it?
We need more funding! Do you know any funders potentially interested in scaling up that kind of message testing and then using our results at scale?
We see many interesting differences between different audiences in how they perceive/respond to our messages, but for many of these differences, we don't really know what the underlying variables are. We really want to be able to run and iterate on a lot more ads with targeting that separates the general public into many more segments.
The amount we've fundraised so far (~$23k) is less than half of the minimum budget we estimate would allow us to get the information we want, so we haven't really started to spend much of it.