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Project summary

I blog at Outside The Asylum, mostly about Magic: The Gathering. I have an established audience of Magic nerds who read my content. (Google Analytics tells me that I've had 26,000 total visitors in the past year, though I suspect the real number is lower.)

This seems like an ideal audience for popularizing Manifold; most of them have likely never heard of prediction markets before, but would be open to such a concept. (My Magic articles tend to be on the more technical end of things, touching on math, psychology, and quantitative reasoning in general. For example, I made a Magic-themed probability calibration tool, an explainer for how Bayesian probability applies to shuffling decks of cards, a guide to resolving Magic's dependency system in terms of finding cycles in a directed graph, etc.)

What are this project's goals and how will you achieve them?

My goal is to write high quality articles that touch on Manifold and/or prediction markets in general.

I can't guarantee any specific number of signups, but my blog is popular within a very niche community (it's the top Google result for many searches relating to Magic's rules, such as "MTG dependency"), and the first step to widespread usage is to bring awareness of Manifold's existence to as many different subcultures as possible.

I also plan to write up comprehensive explanations of some particular aspect of prediction markets, which can be linked-to to answer commonly-asked questions.

A few articles that are already in the works:

  • An investigation into how informative markets like "will AI wipe out humanity" actually are given the distorted incentives, and an exploration of ways in which prediction markets can still be useful for discussions of existential risk.

  • A comprehensive explanation of how online buyers and sellers of trading cards can protect themselves from scams, and how reputation markets on Manifold are likely one of the best solutions.

  • A retrospective on Whales vs. Minnows, explaining what actually happened, what led to each of my mistakes, and how people can avoid similar errors in the future.

  • A debunking of common misconceptions about "assassination markets", discussing the fundamental difficulties of predicting without influencing the world, and exploring how much of a problem assassination markets actually are.

How will this funding be used?

I don't have a traditional day job, my income comes from various forms of gig work and self-employment. Any money I get from this project is time that I don't have to spend making that money some other way, and is therefore additional time I can put into Manifold.

If this project is funded, I plan to release at least the 4 articles I listed above, and hopefully several more.

Who is on your team and what's your track record on similar projects?

It's a personal blog, but I always ask for external feedback on complicated topics. I plan to run articles by knowledgable people I know in the Manifold community to ensure I don't miss anything before posting them live.

I wrote the original Manifold FAQ in early 2022, which Manifold liked enough to award me one of their first bounties.

I also wrote a tongue-in-cheek article about replacing magic judges with prediction markets on April 1st of that year. (Unfortunately referral links didn't exist yet, so I don't know how many people clicked the links.)

Outside of prediction markets, I've written over 60 articles over the past 4 years, and my blog is currently one of the main information hubs for the Magic judge program.

What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails? (premortem)

A low conversion rate. Manifold has consistently struggled with getting people to understand the value proposition of personal prediction markets, so it's entirely possible that hundreds of people read my articles and not a single one becomes a regular user.

What other funding are you or your project getting?


holds 66.5%
FoldyOfficial avatar

Manifold Markets

12 months ago

Final Evaluation Results

Valuations: 500, 400, 900 Median Valuation: 500.0

Tod Waddington: Isaac does a fantastic job communicating manifold and if he thinks he can reach new people, I support it. (Plus, backlinks for SEO, from his own blog)

Rachel: No update, no change.

Austin: Unfortunately no new blog posts since last time, I think, but I've been seeing Isaac's post "Markets are not polls" cited in more and more areas (eg Calibration City) and I think this merits a slight bump in valuation due to greater realized impact. (note, we really ought to repost this properly onto the Manifold newsletter)

holds 66.5%
FoldyOfficial avatar

Manifold Markets

about 1 year ago

January 15th Evaluation Results

Valuations: 250, 400, 500, 400, 400, 800 Weighted Median Valuation: 400

Eliza: Keep writing! The more, the better.

cc6: High-quality, but no new posts since last valuation

wasabipesto: Isaac is a very good technical writer! His articles "Prediction Markets Are Not Polls" and "Understanding Subjective Probabilities" are great introductions into important concepts and should be linked to prominently in Manifold's documentation - these are the sorts of things that would have convinced me to start using numeric predictions (and Manifold specifically, if it had existed) five years ago. I'd love more in this series!

Rachel: No progress since last time, and the posts seem to be ~meeting my expectations.

SG: No comment

Austin: I appreciated the Subsidies article (though I suppose I would the most, given that I was the one who sponsored the “subsidize a bunch of markets” experiment), and am adding another $150 in prize funding for this one.

holds 0.0587%
Isaac-King avatar

Isaac King

about 1 year ago

Other than the subsidies post, I haven't written anything Manifold-related this month, sorry. Will do more soon.

The understanding subjective probabilities post has been getting some traction on Twitter though; I've been posting it whenever I see the topic comes up, and it seems well-liked.

holds 0.0587%
Isaac-King avatar

Isaac King

about 1 year ago

IDK if this should count for this project, since it was a part of another project that Manifold separately said they'd send me some mana for, but post #4: https://outsidetheasylum.blog/subsidies

holds 66.5%
FoldyOfficial avatar

Manifold Markets

about 1 year ago

December 15th Evaluation Results

Valuations: 300, 400, 100, 5000, 650

Median Valuation: 400

SG: This is a very high-quality blog in general, but overall traffic numbers seem low. The value to Manifold also is also not that high. If subsequent articles are more Manifold-focused and more widely shared, this could be more impactful.

Rachel: I like the idea—it seems right that people who are really into game strategy are the same types of people who are really into prediction markets, so reaching out to that audience seems promising. It sounds like results so far are middling, though skimming through the posts they seem pretty high quality. Would be curious how Isaac is promoting the posts.

Inga Wei: Get those MTG nerds.

Sinclair: I think Isaac is very driven and he's already gotten started!

The numbers seem good. And this obviously is a thing that has "room for funding" in the EA sense. I'm skeptical that the content will be as evergreen as he claims, but it would be a win if it were.

Austin: I think the articles here are quite good — I’d value “prediction markets are not polls” at $400, “Understanding Subjective Probabilities” at $200, and “Manifold Betting Calculator” at $50 in terms of subjective quality. I already reached out to Isaac about this, but I think the first 2 could be published in our newsletter (or some kind of spinoff “Manifold Journal” or something). “Predictions Markets are Not Polls” in particular is a great reference piece that I expect to be able to point other people to in the future.

(Note on the article: I do think one key advantage of markets over polls, not mentioned in the article, is that markets allow individuals to convey strength of belief via bet sizing, unlike polls.)

holds 0.0587%
Isaac-King avatar

Isaac King

over 1 year ago

General summary of the project so far: I'm pretty happy with the two articles and one tool I've created so far, and people on Manifold have seemed to find them useful. I shared the one on subjective probabilities with some Magic players who have no familiarity with forecasting, and got a lukewarm but positive response. (Most were uninterested, but a few said they found it to be a good explanation.)

Other than that, none of these have been shared very much outside the Manifold community. But I wrote them to be general resources that will remain accurate for a long time, so people can get incremental use out of linking to them to answer questions for years to come.

Manifold predicts a 50% chance that at least one of my non-MTG articles will get somewhat popular before February, though it might not be one that's explicitly about Manifold. https://manifold.markets/IsaacKing/will-any-of-my-nonmtg-articles-be-m

holds 0.0587%
holds 0.0587%