Covid Work By Elizabeth VN/Aceso Under Glass


Project summary

From 2020 to 2022 I published a lot of work on covid, including

Long Covid Is Not Necessarily Your Biggest Problem

Credibility of the CDC on SARS-CoV-2

Coronavirus: Justified Practical Advice Thread

What can a covid test tell you?

And more recently

Nitric oxide for covid and other viral infections

Betadine oral rinses for covid and other viral infections

What are this project's goals? How will you achieve them?

Provide information to help people decisions about covid in accordance with their own values and utilities.

Find options that improve trade-offs, such as better treatments.

I achieved this primarily through academic literature reviews, although not exclusively.

How will this funding be used?

Paying for my own time and expenses and that of my statistician (full disclosure: my dad)

Who is on your team? What's your track record on similar projects?

NA, asking for retroactive funding.

What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails?

NA, asking for retroactive funding.

What other funding are you or your project getting?

Several of these posts were based on research paid for by clients. However except for the very early work for LW payment never included writing up for public consumption, and Niacin as a treatment for covid? was >90% self-funded.

Final report

Description of subprojects and results, including major changes from the original proposal

Because this was retroactive funding, results are already posted in the application.

Spending breakdown

100%: Elizabeth Salary

donated $100
Arepo avatar

Sasha Cooper

5 months ago

My partner and I made notes on all of the projects in the EACC initiative, and both agreed this was a standout :) Our quick and dirty notes:

They: Generally a fan of EvN's work. Her epistemics are refreshingly good - has made my life better with other research, so I'm happy to assume her Covid work was good or compensate her in principle for the other work

He I think retroactive funding is a really important idea, and what I've seen of Elizabeth's work is extremely good


donated $50
NeelNanda avatar

Neel Nanda

5 months ago

I found these posts useful, and appreciate their existence! Especially Justified Practical Advice, and credibility of the CDC