kankyoku avatar
Aidan Kankyoku


Using citizen initiatives to disrupt factory farming

$200total balance
$0charity balance
$200cash balance

$0 in pending offers


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kankyoku avatar

Aidan Kankyoku

7 months ago

@Jason Great question. Our baseline budget per campaign for a mid-sized city or county (100k-1M) is $300,000 over two years. We expect a statewide campaign in a state like Colorado or Oregon would ideally want at least $1.5M over two years. However, that varies depending on the pre-campaign support for the policy. A proposal that has very high support to start with would cost less as you'd only need to defend your lead. We've done some survey testing recently for a few policies that would be very disruptive to the industry and are showing upwards of 70% support in blue states. There's an argument to just get a measure like that on the ballot (which we could do for $100,000 or so) even if you don't have much budget for a campaign. We got our measure on the ballot in Denver using entirely volunteer circulators, with one staff organizer who cost about $30k for 6 months. Most of the budget above is communications during election season.

kankyoku avatar

Aidan Kankyoku

7 months ago

Animal welfare has been mistakenly categorized into the short-termist bucket. NRI is making a smart long-term investment in a more effective animal advocacy movement in the future, hedging our bets in the likely event that current efforts fall short.


Pro-Animal Future5 months agoproject donation+200
Manifund Bank6 months agowithdraw3820
New Roots Institute: Empowering the Next Generation to End Factory Farming6 months agoproject donation300
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+500
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+50
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+50
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+30
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+300
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+50
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+400
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+200
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+10
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+600
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+200
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+50
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+150
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+15
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+10
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+25
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+30
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+100
Pro-Animal Future6 months agoproject donation+150
Manifund Bank7 months agodeposit+300