claireshort avatar
Claire Short

$500total balance
$500charity balance
$0cash balance

$0 in pending offers



claireshort avatar

Claire Short

5 months ago

We collected survey responses before, during, and after the program with overall positive feedback. I didn’t directly ask about counterfactual value from the program, I’m not 100% this is the best way to go about it yet (maybe that's due to my psychology background, happy to hear other thoughts). We’re currently working on a program retrospective, which I’m happy to share with interested potential funders. Overall, yes there’s not many data points because there were 13 people in the program this first round but from the data we did gather, it was positive. 

The next closest question that was asked would be ‘Do you believe that enrolling in the Athena program will offer distinctive advantages or methods for entering the alignment field, which you wouldn't be able to find elsewhere?’, which participants responded with:

Yes: 10

The program is good, but so are other AI fellowships: 1

To some extent: 1

claireshort avatar

Claire Short

5 months ago

Progress update

What progress have you made since your last update?

I ran the program in the winter - you can check out our updated website here:

What are your next steps?

I will seek funding to run the second iteration of the program. Many people have been asking if I would run another because they want to apply.

Is there anything others could help you with?

Funding :) and mentor recs


Manifund Bank3 months agowithdraw8000
Athena 2.03 months agoproject donation+8000
Manifund Bank5 months agodeposit+500
Manifund Bank12 months agowithdraw20000
Athena - New Program for Women in AI Alignment Research12 months agoproject donation+20000