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Max Hellier


Root The Future is an organisation committed to promoting a plant-based and sustainable lifestyle in Thailand.
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About Me

Our mission includes spreading awareness about the ethical, environmental and health benefits of plant-based diets to encourage industry and community growth through various initiatives, campaigns, events and content.



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Max Hellier

8 months ago

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  • He told us about the bears, the tigers & gibbons. He told us about the ancient trees & jungles. He told us about the lives of his loved ones. All of which are now gone. Environmentalism is Humanitarianism.

  • When you know your only option to provide for your family is growing corn.

  • On Day 7 & 1000km in, Max crashed his bike whilst going 35kph. He received multiple hairline fractures to his skull, a broken rib, a broken finger and grazes to his right side.