@Wormhole No, that's a good tip, thank you!
Chair of the Collective Action in Science Committee
$0 in pending offers
Laurens Kemp
11 months ago
@Alyssa Yeah, I'm aware it's not a typical topic for this audience, but it's still an industry where billions of dollars of grant money is basically funneled straight into publisher coffers for extremely nebulous benefits, so my view is that a billion dollars' worth of fuzzy improvement in science is a worthy enough cause.
Laurens Kemp
11 months ago
@Jason I'm not actually sure if there are similar initiatives working towards this! I made some inquiries about whether anyone was doing bottom-up organizing in this way a year ago, and Free Our Knowledge was the only project that my contacts knew of, so I joined it and started the current petition. We decided on this approach because collective action seems like the lowest-hanging fruit in terms of getting the ball rolling towards more fair and open science, as it is every researcher's uncompensated labor that keeps for-profit publishers operating. Others are of the opinion that we should be legislating the academic publishing industry into being less exploitative, but if we can get researchers to act in their collective best interest, that might achieve our goal more effectively.
Laurens Kemp
11 months ago
@Tomohaire We're aiming for 500 pledges after one year, and once we reach that point we will be contacting signatories to discuss their specific plan for their Diamond Open Access publication, or whether they have already published. A more concrete measure of success would be the number of Diamond Open Access publications made by our signatories. If 20% have an accepted publication after one year, that would be a great milestone.