Gene Smith


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Gene Smith

5 months ago

Progress update

What progress have you made since your last update?

We've selected suitable intelligence / educational attainment predictors, set up a backend for processing and scoring common genotype file formats, and created a mostly working front-end. 

What are your next steps?

Over the next few months we are planning to finish basic work on the front-end, then deploy the website to production. We then plan to conduct user testing, which will likely result in some minor updates to the frontend. 

Is there anything others could help you with?

Our front-end developer recently developed some health issues that necessitated leaving the project. If anyone is interested in working on a React front-end for the website for this and is willing to accept somewhat below industry-standard pay ($25/hour), please get in touch.

We are interested in test-running the selection process with prospective parents using embryo selection services at a few of the available providers (i.e. requesting raw data from the provider, scoring against the intelligence predictor, and seeing how the resulting information can be compared & integrated with official guidance from the original provider). Prospective parents interested in using the service ahead of the website being publicly available could get in touch.


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