Effective Altruism Latvia


Effective Altruism Latvia, represented by Chair of the Board Arturs Kanepajs

$0total balance
$0charity balance
$0cash balance

$0 in pending offers




Thank you, grantors, for the generous support! With your help, the 507 USD grant went towards covering the rent and food costs (556.72 EUR or 580.12 USD total) of:
1) EA intro lecture+discussion in the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga on the 9th of December, 2024. 15 participants in total. More info and the event description:

2) A hackathon to set up and design EA Latvia homepage (in development, domain: www.efektivaisaltruisms.lv) and donation platform ziedoefektivi.lv [based on to https://annetatargalt.ee/]), on the 11th of January, 2025. 12 participants total. A couple of pictures from the event:


@Jason Not as an organization, but last year I (Arturs) applied for EA Infrastructure Funds & Manifund Regrants, did not get funded


@SofiaBalderson Yes all the food we serve is vegan. We mostly focus on EA Meta and AI safety in the events. This is a deliberate choice, as farmed animal welfare is relatively strongly represented in Latvia by "Dzivnieku briviba"


Manifund Bank5 months agowithdraw507
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+50
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+107
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+100
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+20
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+30
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+50
Kickstarting EA Latvia community5 months agoproject donation+150