tylerjn avatar
Tyler Johnston


Founder @ The Midas Project

$0total balance
$0charity balance
$0cash balance

$0 in pending offers

About Me

Founder at The Midas Project.

Previously at The Humane League, Good Food Institute, Harvard College.



tylerjn avatar

Tyler Johnston

about 1 month ago


How much funding do you currently have?

~50k in the bank and pending grants.

What's your runway duration?

About a year at current scale. I think most of our impact will be through future growth, however (i.e. I would potentially favor spinning down the org over operating at this scale indefinitely).

Where have you applied for further funding this year?

Our biggest institutional grant so far was $31k from SFF. This ask ($119k) is to meet the rest of the base request from that funding round. We haven't gotten any feedback from that application yet, so no insight as to why we were only partially funded.

Otherwise, most fundraising has been informal/through word of mouth. We only got tax-exempt status this month, which is a prerequisite for most mainstream philanthropic outfits.