Deserves This For All The Hardwork Put Into Manifold.
SirCryptomind Moderation (#2)
Project summary
Remote Moderation & Mana Loans
What are this project's goals and how will you achieve them?
Resolution Moderation through Policy Enforcement of Community Guidelines.
Community Engagement by assisting other users create better market titles/descriptions and always being available to answer questions when Community Manager/Core Team/Admin are unavailable.
Market Engagement by posting and spreading current up to date news that may move markets or sway opinions.
Technical Proficiency by continuing to provide feedback in developing tools for other Moderators to allow the website to be clean and in a fair and fast ecosystem.
Goal: Add Discord Moderation To Project If Manifold Starts Adding Discord Mods.
How will this funding be used?
1/3rd Office Rent & Expense For May 2024-July 2024 ($750/Month)
Who is on your team and what's your track record on similar projects?
Manifold Moderator Team;
Top Resolution Mod
Most Active Mod
Most Resolved Markets By Creators & Mods Combined.
AVG 280hrs/Month On Manifold
Top 10 Active In Discord assisting with Feedback, Suggestions, Mod-Help, Bug Reporting.
Top 15 Market Creator
TBD: New P2P Loan system ideas.
What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails? (premortem)
Cut back Moderation to bare minimum
Cut back Market Creation to bare minimum
Cut back on Loans given to users to bare minimum
No further suggestions or assistance in ideas to make the pivot work.
What other funding are you or your project getting?
Previous Funding:
03/2024 : Manifund Distribution of Project #1 - $400
12/2023: Barak - $480 (For Manifold Work Completed - NYE Resolutions + Bonus work)
2024: Marcus Abramovich : $3,000 (For Business startup)