Elizabeth and Timothy Podcast on values in Effective Altruism (Funded)

$13,045funding goal

Project summary:

Elizabeth and Timothy create a podcast about truthseeking, values drift, and a potential EA Renaissance (or diaspora).

ETA: we have enough pledged donations to meet our goal of 5 episodes. Small donations are still emotionally meaningful, but not necessary at this time.

What are this project's goals? How will you achieve them?

Short term (up to 5 episodes): shed clarity on truthseeking, integrity, and group intelligence within Effective Altruism via discussion on podcast. Timothy hopes to use this to aid healing EA; Elizabeth has given up on this and is hoping to find more like minded people.

Long term: If successful, we'd like to expand to other topics that catch our interest and seem valuable to discuss publicly. Could include topics such as epistemic norms, hope for an EA renaissance or splinter group, group intelligence, building productive cultures good for the people in them,, etc.


How will this funding be used?

Pay for both peopleā€™s time, equipment (e.g. microphones), software (e.g. Descript for editing), and services (currently just Elizabethā€™s editing and research but these could be hired out in the future).

Who is on your team? What's your track record on similar projects?

Elizabeth Van Nostrand: known for science writing and epistemic spot checks at AcesoUnderGlass.com, has received grants and done work for a variety of EA orgs. She had a year+ blog sequence outlining problems in truthseeking within EA. This sequence received many compliments but there is no concrete evidence of change she cares about.

Timothy Telleen-Lawton: Has worked at a variety of EA orgs, been a member of Effective Altruism since 2013 and East Bay Rationality since 2016 

Our first episode has been released here. Discussion here.

What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails?

The information falls on deaf ears, or generates a lot of heat and no light. 

In earlier years there might have been risk of inflammation; seems like that market is now saturated and one more source wonā€™t make it worse. 

How much money have you raised in the last 12 months, and from where?

Elizabeth has a <$500 Patreon that is currently per-post but will become per-month in the near future.

We are particularly interested in crowdfunding because the number of donors (independent of donation size) is a predictor of impact. However, if successful, we plan to fundraise from larger donors for larger projects as well.

Progress update

ETA: we have enough pledged donations to meet our goal of 5 episodes. Small donations are still emotionally meaningful, but not necessary at this time.

What progress have you made since your last update?

recorded three episodes, one of which is scheduled for release on 12/15 and the other two will probably be canned

What are your next steps?

we have interviews for two more episodes lined up

Is there anything others could help you with?

donated $1,300
Austin avatar

Austin Chen

5 months ago

Approving this project! As I wrote for the Manifund blog:

Elizabeth & Timothyā€™s initial podcast was very well received, drawing extensive, thoughtful comments from a variety of folks. Iā€™d be excited to see them continue this series, especially if they bring in folks involved with steering the EA community (like Sarah Cheng, who has extensively engaged with their points)


5 months ago

I did not like the first episode


5 months ago

did not mean to post this. just was typing out my thought and accidently posted without thinking. that is why did not explain why

I like elizabeths posts so was exicted to watch the episode but was disappointment by podcast. like to see more met-discourse about the EA movement though. might expand on this later if have time

donated $1,300
Austin avatar

Austin Chen

5 months ago

@acdc0c63-8bd5-41b1-b4cb-19e5cb8da433 thanks for following up; I would very much appreciate if you expanded on what you didn't like!


5 months ago

i wanted to delete my post because do not want to crush butterfly

donated $1,300
Austin avatar

Austin Chen

4 months ago

@acdc0c63-8bd5-41b1-b4cb-19e5cb8da433 For what it's worth, I expect that Elizabeth (and Timothy) would also appreciate constructive feedback about what disappointed you, rather than finding it butterfly-crushing. They're planning on releasing more episodes, so if you can describe what you were hoping to hear, they might be able to correct and adjust for it!


@Austin one of my guesses is that, for people who'd kept up with my writing, the podcast didn't have new object-level content. It was much more about the emotional journey. I think that was the right choice for this episode but understand if people don't like it.

donated $150

Luis Costigan

5 months ago

Elizabeth has always struck me as a careful thinker with her blog, and the opening podcast episode showed promise. I think EA needs people with EA experience but are now slightly outside the movement to provide the kind of constructive criticism that's hard to give from within.

donated $1,300
AntonMakiievskyi avatar

Anton Makiievskyi

5 months ago

I enjoyed the podcast and found it useful. How many episodes do you expect to release given the minimum funding you indicated of 2600? I'd be more excited to put more funds into this endeavor if you can repeat the success of the first episode

evelynciara avatar

Evelyn Ciara

5 months ago

I think meta-discourse about the EA movement from a principles-first perspective is valuable. I'd be keen to hear your ideas about how EA could evolve in the future!