

Not fundedGrant

Project summary

Dogs are the most victimized animals in Malawi with emphasis to rural areas.The welfare of these pets are violated left and right. However, our recent research has found that ignorance to animal welfare is the root cause of all these dog sufferings. The project aims to reach all rural small holder farmers who are keeping many dogs for the security of their animals.

What are this project's goals and how will you achieve them?

The goals of the project are as follows;

To provide civic education on animal welfare

To demonstrate how people can show love to their pets.

To demonstrate how scriptures calls to stewardship for animals.

These three goals will be reached through consultation with community leaders. Another point is to work in collaboration with government department.

How will this funding be used?

The funding will be used in hiring veterinary mobile clinic to rural areas where more than 5000 dogs will benefit from the project. With minimum of $3000 we will manage to reach the 5000 dogs but follow up will be a problem. However, the $5000 will give the project flexibility of reaching the 5000dogs with vaccination and thoroughly follow up to the health of the dogs and if another intervention will be necessary.

Who is on your team and what's your track record on similar projects?

Our team is made up of animal welfare experts such as Ishmael Amini. The other side we have veterinary university students who make a team of volunteers to provide services to the public.

What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails? (premortem)

Insufficient funds can be the most stopping factor. This is because the project aims to vaccine the dogs. However, the team and community have no problem to fail the project.

What other funding are you or your project getting?

Through our revenue after selling rice and soya beans. We also get some small funds from faith leaders.

aminishmael01 avatar

Ishmael Amini

11 months ago

Dogs are companions of man. Let's support there welfare