Erin Robertson


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$0cash balance

$0 in pending offers

Outgoing donations



Erin Robertson

7 months ago

I donated partly because I run this office, but also because it has been the EA community space which has given me by far the most value over the course of my time there. I have learnt so much about Routes to having an impact, and have met people who went on to work closely with me and my organisation as a result of the office.


Erin Robertson

over 1 year ago

I hosted 3 Apart research hackathons in the London EA Hub, and the events were highly successful! One of the teams’ work from the hackathon was cited on the OpenAI blog. We found that the hackathons were a perfect way of running technical safety content whilst not needing to put in loads of effort to mentor and guide the attendees. The Apart set-up was great and made it really easy to cater to our users.


LEAH Coworking Space6 months agoproject donation600
Manifund Bank7 months agodeposit+600