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Andrew N. Rowan


Andrew Rowan, D.Phil., has over 40 years of experience in animal welfare science, as well as animal and environmental advocacy. He previously served as President of Humane Society International and on the Board of World Animal Protection. Dr. Rowan was a professor at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and chaired the Department of Environmental Sciences. He received the Rhodes Scholarship and graduated from Oxford University with a D.Phil. in biochemistry.
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About Me

Andrew Rowan, D.Phil., has an extensive background serving on government and corporate consultative committees and numerous Boards of scientific societies and national and international NGOs. He recently was President of Humane Society International (HSI) and Board Chair of the HSUS Wildlife Land Trust. Dr. Rowan is known for establishing the Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy at Tufts University and launching the first graduate degree in the world on animals and public policy. Additionally, he founded four academic journals focusing on various aspects of animal welfare science, including the most recent addition, Animal Sentience, which is now in its ninth year of publication.

He currently is the President of WellBeing International and oversees the WellBeing International Studies Repository, a digital repository and a virtual reservoir of reliable knowledge and information on the well-being of people, animals, and the environment. The Repository is purposely constructed to safeguard, manage, and facilitate distribution to global users without cost. Dr. Rowan also directs WellBeing International's Animal Sentience program which focuses on enhancing understanding of the topic, raising global awareness of its significance, and encouraging decisions leading to a humane and sustainable world

Dr. Rowan is the author or co-author of numerous books and over one hundred academic papers on topics such as animal research and alternatives, companion animal issues, humane wildlife management, and human-animal interactions. He has been recognized with numerous awards for his work.
