Linch Zhang


$35,457total balance
$0charity balance
$35,457cash balance

$0 in pending offers




Linch Zhang

3 months ago

Progress update

What progress have you made since your last update?

We've successfully disbursed both the Manifund donations and the Open Phil matching funds to projects we believe to be highly impactful in expectation. You can see our grants database here:

We also have a payouts report that goes to March 2024: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/pJyCWzevPHsycj4oQ/long-term-future-fund-may-2023-to-march-2024-payout

Unfortunately nothing more recent, but hoping to change that soon.

What are your next steps?

More fundraising the next two months; we'll also have significant announcements coming up soon about potential strategic direction changes.

Is there anything others could help you with?

We continue to benefit significantly from donations. We get many applications that we expect to be very high-impact on the margin, and we are unfortunately unable to fund many of them. To have a current sense of our marginal grants, see our recent post here.


Linch Zhang

about 1 year ago

Progress update

What progress have you made since your last update?

Please note that OP matching is over now.

What are your next steps?

Is there anything others could help you with?


Linch Zhang

over 1 year ago

@Adrian Thank you! We will endeavor to put the money to good use. What are some other projects you like, other than Manifold?


Linch Zhang

over 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know! I don't actually know if I can sign on behalf of LTFF/EA Funds but let me check!


Linch Zhang

over 1 year ago

"To be clear, I'm still donating to LTFF until matching funds last, it's too good of a deal it seems"

We do have to be a bit careful about what matching entails. I'm reasonably confident that the matching itself is ~2:1 (in the sense that OP will not counterfactually give us the money if we didn't get public donations). But the *altruistic value* of the match can be much less than 3x.

Any money we receive from OP ultimately comes from OP's longtermism donations budget, not (eg) Dustin Moskovitz's personal budget or Make-A-Wish or something. So the more optimistic you are about OP's longtermist donations per dollar (https://www.openphilanthropy.org/grants/page/2/?q&focus-area%5B0%5D=longtermism&view-list=false), the less excited you should be about the matching.


Long-Term Future Fund6 months agoproject donation+20
Long-Term Future Fund8 months agoproject donation+25437
Manifund Bank10 months agowithdraw106000
Long-Term Future Fundabout 1 year agoproject donation+10000
Long-Term Future Fundabout 1 year agoproject donation+500
Long-Term Future Fundabout 1 year agoproject donation+100000
Long-Term Future Fundabout 1 year agoproject donation+500
Long-Term Future Fundabout 1 year agoproject donation+2000
Long-Term Future Fundabout 1 year agoproject donation+3000