DavidCorfield avatar
David Corfield


Executive Director @ TAIGA; Building something new in the Giving Multiplier space

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DavidCorfield avatar

David Corfield

6 months ago

@Lucie Thanks for the donation!
There are a few (likely small) risks to that person for it to be public knowledge that they are considering taking a new position, but more than anything I want the decision over a future ED candidate to be made by a grant funder who will back them rather than directly by the community.

DavidCorfield avatar

David Corfield

7 months ago

@Lucie sadly I don't have the capacity to share more info on TAIGA and field the interest it would generate, and hence this campaign was targeted to the existing TAIGA community to raise just a small sum to bridge to the next grant funding. Hopefully Gaurav's comment helps shed some light at the impact on an individual level, and while the site was still funded and supported it had >120 monthly active users who were more effective and efficient for it existing.

As for its current state, TAIGA is live but unsupported and unfunded, hence the funding ask to cover putting together a funding application that would involve a transfer in leadership. I have kept the site up out of my own pocket over the last 6+ months while others were responsible for (and unsuccessful in) fundraising. I don't think that anything I wrote in the post was misleading, but please anyone let me know if you disagree.

At my request, Zach shared the rationale for his comment over email. I would gladly make this public as I stand by my actions, though this isn't his wish, and I don't have the capacity (or see it as value-creating) to write an explanation. I do hope this community discounts his comment accordingly, as he suggests, but I will also understand if you allocate your funds to other worthy projects.

DavidCorfield avatar

David Corfield

7 months ago

Thanks @GauravYadav! I was equally surprised at how quickly the pot of money was claimed.

DavidCorfield avatar

David Corfield

7 months ago

Beyond this being my own project, I believe it has the highest potential impact of any of the projects within the EACC and this funding will materially increase its likelihood of survival under new leadership.


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The AI Governance Archive (TAIGA)6 months agoproject donation+300
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