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Yaniv Ben-Ami

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Publish a book on Egan education for parentsbought $1.17K @ $8.79K valuation


ConvergenceToTruth avatar

Yaniv Ben-Ami

4 months ago

I believe in Brandon. His book is going to be very very important and shape how people raise their kids for a lot of people and for a long time. It's long-range on the children's side, but it's immediate needs on parents side. Every dollar gives him breathing room and improves the quality of the end product.


Publish a book on Egan education for parents4 months agouser to user trade2
Publish a book on Egan education for parents4 months agouser to user trade551
Publish a book on Egan education for parents4 months agouser to user trade+50
Manifund Bank4 months agodeposit+500
Publish a book on Egan education for parents4 months agouser to user trade672
Manifund Bank4 months agodeposit+50
Manifund Bank4 months agodeposit+625