Remote Indigenous Literacy/Numeracy Courses



The Nungalinya College 'Foundation Studies' courses offer training in literacy and numeracy to over 180 remote Indigenous students each year. The courses are formal VET sector qualifications, but aimed at the right foundational levels (Certificate I and II), and taught through culturally appropriate spiritual themes which means the participation and graduation rates are extremely high.

We want to continue to offer such courses in the context that both NT and federal government departments no longer fund these vital courses.

We have over 15 years of successfully running such Foundation Studies courses, with hundreds of graduates and hundreds of students continuing on to further studies to best serve their remote communities.

Our team is a qualified group of four trainers, all with VET sector and EAL/D qualifications who know the remote Indigenous context well.

The funding will be spent on core running costs of the courses as NO FEES are charged to remote Indigenous students as over 90% are transitioning from Centrelink support to work opportunities.

We need funding to pay the teachers and create resources to enable the courses to continue.

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