The National Observatory on Insect Farming in France (ONEI - Observatoire national de l’élevage d’insectes) is a newly established organization dedicated to providing evidence-based information to stakeholders about the environmental and societal impacts of insect farming—a role currently unfilled in France. Our mission is to inform and shape public discourse on the sustainability of insect farming, including its challenges, through rigorous research and strategic outreach.
The insect farming industry has experienced immense growth in recent years, attracting over a billion dollars in worldwide investment. As a measure of growth, the number of insects farmed annually has more than doubled in just five years, increasing from about 1 trillion in 2020. France is a global leader in this sector, hosting two of the largest companies, and the French government is actively supporting this industry through funding and research.
While insects were initially hailed as sustainable for their ability to replace meat, insect-based meat substitutes are now considered a negligible part of the market. Farmed insects are used as feed for other farmed animals like fish and chicken, supporting conventional farming, or as pet food. In collaboration with The Insect Institute, we have published several peer-reviewed papers highlighting the challenges faced by insect farming, revealing significant issues regarding its sustainability and economic benefits. For example, insects as human food are less sustainable and less accepted than plant-based alternatives, and insects used in pet food emit two to ten times more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional pet food.
To date, we have published multiple articles in French media, including an op-ed in one of the top newspapers, Les Echos, entitled “Insect Farming: A Worm in the Fruit of French Innovation?” (available below with more information about the challenges of the industry). We have also shared information with some policymakers. Through translations of scientific articles and popularization efforts, we strive to become the reference organization to contact for any questions about insect farming.
We published two peer-reviewed papers in collaboration with The Insect Institute, “Insect-based livestock feeds are unlikely to become economically viable in the near future” and “Is turning food waste into insect feed an uphill climb?”. Three more papers are available as preprints on the environmental impacts of insect-based products, the difficulty of replacing meat consumption and the limits that often lead the scientific literature to be too optimistic.
Here is the list of newspapers which mentioned either ONEI or the papers we published.
We aim to continue conducting research and expand our outreach efforts—including bringing on a second full-time team member dedicated to communication and outreach. We aim to inform environmental associations and institutions by providing them with clear, data-driven insights on this new industry.
We invite you to learn more about our work on our website: You can ask any question at
Conduct Rigorous Research:
Continue research highlighting the impacts of insect farming on sustainability and the economy.
Translate scientific articles to make them accessible to French-speaking stakeholders.
Expand Outreach Efforts:
Increase our media presence and public engagement to inform public opinion and investor sentiment regarding the insect farming industry.
Provide clear and accessible information to decision-makers, environmental associations, and institutions to inform their positions.
Establish ONEI as a Reference Organization:
Continue developing our website and resources to become the go-to platform for accurate information on insect farming while offering expertise and guidance to stakeholders, including policymakers.
How We Will Achieve Them:
Translations and Popularization:
Translate scientific articles into French to make research findings accessible to environmental associations, institutions, and the general public.
Create content such as summaries and infographics to disseminate information widely.
Website Development:
Enhance our website to serve as the central hub for information on insect farming, with a strong focus on SEO to maximize visibility.
Continue expanding our media presence, including op-eds, articles, and interviews in prominent outlets to reach a wider audience.
Share information with relevant decision-makers and institutions who have already mentioned the topic.
Setting up a newsletter.
Partner with environmental NGOs to share information with them and make common asks on this new topic, including statements on common issues.
The funding will be used to:
Hire Additional Staff:
With $55,000, we can hire a full-time employee.
If the full funding threshold is not reached, we can still make progress by hiring staff under less ideal conditions with less experienced staff.
Example: With $10,000, we can hire an entry-level part-time apprentice working 20 hours per week.
Research and Outreach Activities:
The new employee would be dedicated to communications, social media, translations, developing and maintaining our website, and outreach to the media and environmental NGOs.
This would free significant time for the cofounder to focus on activities such as research and outreach to relevant stakeholders and policymakers.
Team Members:
Corentin Biteau - Cofounder and President:
A French EA with experience in sustainability and environmental advocacy.
Co-authored several peer-reviewed scientific papers on the economic and environmental impacts of insect farming in collaboration with The Insect Institute.
Conducted research for Effective Altruism France, authored cause area pages, delivered talks on the topic and created the "Effective Ecology" fellowship.
Vice President of the International Alliance for the SDGs France (AI-ODD).
Co-authored a book on sustainable development and the most impactful actions we can take for sustainability.
Tom Bry-Chevalier - Scientific Advisor:
A PhD candidate specializing in alternative proteins.
Has authored articles on insect farming in various media outlets, including The Conversation.
Participated in panel discussions on insect farming at dedicated conferences.
Co-authored several articles published with The Insect Institute and has written additional articles on insect farming.
We also have several volunteers and a strong network of people in France who are ready to support our action and can provide helpful feedback on most of the topics we’re tackling.
Track Record:
Research and Publications:
Published multiple peer-reviewed papers on the topic, with several others in the peer-review process.
We wrote many popularization articles on sustainability and ways to positively impact the environment in a writing style accessible to French-speaking audiences.
We gave several talks on sustainability and the importance of acting on the food system for the environment. We also have a presence on social media.
Media Presence:
Published articles in leading French media, including an op-ed in Les Echos, one of the top newspapers in France.
Cited in four different media articles since our launch in June, including Le Parisien, the second most widely read regional newspaper in France, and L’Usine Nouvelle.
Website and social media:
We already have a full website with several pages dedicated to the challenges the industry is facing.
We have social media accounts posting weekly on LinkedIn and Facebook.
We recognize there is ample room for growth, especially in our outreach to decision-makers, due to the novelty and specificity of our subject matter.
We are relatively new to engaging with policymakers, forming partnerships with other organizations, and fundraising.
However, we are confident in our ability to adapt, learn, and grow.
Six months ago, we were newcomers to media outreach, even though we had been featured in a few articles on other topics. We proactively sought advice from successful experts, requested constructive feedback, and studied best practices through courses and literature. This approach significantly enhanced our media engagement capabilities.
We are well-connected with individuals and organizations that excel in areas where we are still developing expertise. This includes the EA-recommended French charity with the largest media exposure in France. For instance, our op-ed greatly benefited from the expertise of a network member who guided us through the process, provided valuable contacts, and helped improve the piece's writing.
We are acquainted with most individuals involved in Effective Altruism in France and utilize many of the resources recommended for EA organizations.
For policy matters, we regularly consult with several individuals who possess extensive insider knowledge of the French political system and understand how nonprofits can effectively interact within it.
Currently, our primary limiting factor is time.
We are working on a vast and neglected topic, but only one person is working full-time. We have identified numerous stakeholders to contact and have substantial content for articles and press releases, but we lack sufficient time to execute everything. Due to these constraints, we have only been able to issue three press releases and op-eds to journalists in the last six months.
In this context, funding is particularly important as it would allow us to bring a second full-time person onto the team. We have the capacity to absorb significantly more funding than we currently have, and with your support, we can fully realize our potential for growth and impact.
Possible Causes of Failure:
Insufficient Funding and Resources:
A primary risk is the lack of funds and available hours to dedicate to this issue. Our capacity to conduct translations, research, and outreach, as well as weigh in decision-making, will be limited without adequate funding to hire additional staff. This is already our main limiting factor.
Difficulties in reaching out efficiently to stakeholders:
Contacting relevant stakeholders and leading them to adapt their choices in the face of new information could be more difficult than expected.
Outreach to media and environmental NGOs might face limits at some point since the topic is rather niche.
Outcomes if the Project Fails:
Informed Decision-Making May Be Hindered:
Some practices currently employed by several actors in the industry do not contribute to sustainability and could exacerbate environmental and economic problems. Without our efforts to provide comprehensive information, stakeholders might lack awareness of these issues, leading to suboptimal decisions and allocation of funding.
Unaddressed Industry Challenges:
The rapid growth of the insect farming industry will continue without sufficient evaluation of its impacts, despite a mismatch between initial promises and the current situation.
Low Engagement:
If the project fails, it is unlikely that others in France will act on this topic. The novelty and specificity of the subject mean that few people in France have expertise in these areas. The only people invested in this topic simply do not have much time to devote to it.
If you have any questions, you can contact me at
If you want more information about the sector and its challenges, here is our recent op-ed in the newspaper Les Echos (
Insect Farming: A Worm in the Fruit of French Innovation?
By Corentin Biteau, President of the National Observatory of Insect Farming (ONEI)
The recent safeguard procedure undertaken by Ÿnsect, the leader in insect farming, highlights deep financial troubles and raises questions about the future of the sector in France. Since its founding in 2011, this symbol of French Tech has raised $600 million with substantial support from Bpifrance and the French state. However, last year, the startup was forced to lay off 20% of its workforce and close its Dutch factory.
The early days looked promising. A 2013 FAO report presented insect farming as a potential solution to environmental challenges linked to conventional livestock farming, which is recognized as a major cause of deforestation. France positioned itself at the forefront of this sector. However, recent studies, some co-authored by the National Observatory of Insect Farming (ONEI), reveal a much more nuanced reality.
Economically, the sector faces significant obstacles. Insect meal costs two to ten times more than conventional feed for livestock, creating a major barrier to adoption. Additionally, several major companies have recently encountered financial difficulties, highlighting the economic fragility of the model and increasing investor skepticism. Most companies in the sector face serious structural and technological challenges. Although certain innovations, such as genetically modified insects for faster growth, are under development, they are not yet available on a large scale.
From an environmental perspective, the initially advertised benefits should be toned down. Contrary to expectations, the use of food waste to feed insects remains limited, mainly due to logistical, regulatory, and health constraints. Most of these farms therefore use agricultural by-products based on grains, thus directly competing with conventional animal feed, or even human food, often resulting in a greater environmental impact.
The same applies to products targeting pet food, which accounts for more than half of the market. A 2021 study estimates that insect-based products emit two to ten times more greenhouse gasses than traditional pet foods, which are often made from slaughterhouse by-products.
The human food market is not more promising, as substituting meat with insects faces consumer rejection. Its market share is considered negligible. Compared to plant-based alternatives, which have grown significantly over the past decade, insects have much lower acceptability and a higher environmental impact.
In light of these setbacks, how can we not question the relevance of massive public investments in an industry whose long-term viability is uncertain? This is an industry that has benefited from INRAE's research and remains highly vulnerable to offshoring, which undermines its potential contribution to food sovereignty.
Other solutions offer more promising and less risky prospects for achieving our sustainability and food security goals, such as reducing animal protein consumption through support for research on plant-based alternatives.
Given the gap between the industry’s discourse and scientific reality, there is a concern that insect farming may be used as a greenwashing tool. Before continuing with massive investments, it is urgent to consider the economic realities: supporting this sector with public funds is a highly risky bet in a context of budgetary debt.