Lost Ones is a community initially created by Uli (uli.rocks) and various alums from FABRIC camps (SPARC, ESPR, Atlas Fellowship etc). Now the community became open to public. The demographic of the community includes high-potential young adults who are adjacent to the rationality, EA or transhumanist community. So far, 500 members are in its discord.
We want to host engaging in-person activities to strengthen the community.
The project aims to encourage close connections in the rat/EA adjacent communities. We are hosting meetups in cities where Lost Ones members live. In Lost Ones, there is a channel dedicated to events. It's easy to see where members live because of their tags.
For the meetup organizer to host gatherings. In meetups, members often enjoy discussing superintelligence, impact without university, category theory, coworking and so on.
other example activities:
Hackathons at AGI house, virtual hackathons, mathematics documentary screening, dinners, hikes etc.
Individuals from Lost Ones will be running meetups on topics that members find interesting.
There's been a previous San Francisco lost ones meetup where we coworked at IKEA. I also ran virtual coworking and a virtual watch party previously.
Likely failure modes include:
People coordinate times that everyone is free and will end up not running any gatherings at all. This can be mitigated by choosing a time that works for central members of the meetup and everyone
Lack of planning beforehand, leading to the meetup being un-fun. The solution would be writing goals, and blocking off time in the calendar to plan the gathering.
not funded yet!