Building an organizational experts network

Not fundedGrant

Project summary

Agile for Good connects EA organizations with senior organizational, especially agile, professionals who volunteer their expertise to help these organizations overcome specific organizational challenges. Through brief, focused sessions, the initiative aims to provide actionable advice and support, enabling EA orgs to continue their mission of improving the world by increasing their pace of value creation. The program is entirely pro bono, fostering collaboration and impact without any financial transactions. 10/12 of the helped EA organizations so far have led to minimum one senior professional committing more time to help the EA organization.

What are this project's goals? How will you achieve them?

The Goal of the project is to increase the pace of value creation for EA- and adjacent organizations.

We do this by letting the high impact organization pitch some of their organizational obstacles and problems, whereafter us senior professionals give our pro bono advice on how to solve them during a one hour long meeting. Most of the times we also help with actually doing the solving work pro bono.

We have already achieved our initial goals of speeding up impact for some of the organizations that we have invited and want to scale this as this is ongoing work where we constantly look for more EA organizations that would benefit from fulfilling their mission faster through improved organizational pace.

Examples of what we have extensive experience in are

-revising or breaking down strategy,
-create long and short term goals,
-create good metrics,
-improve the value-chain of what the organization is producing,
-help create shorter and better feedback loops,
-help create high performing teams

Link to our Theory of Change: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lHdvjiiEQfJCg1W1Zs52QVh1XQSEdLWL/view?usp=sharing

Link to our key uncertainties with our Theory of Change:

How will this funding be used?

-To do more outreach to attract more senior professionals to be part of this projects and volunteer their time to help EA organizations as well as to create more awareness about this pro bono service to more EA organizations by:

-getting copywriting help to create more engaging and relevant marketing content.

-getting UX- and design help for our website to get more SEO relevance and higher retention rate of those who visit our website.

Who is on your team? What's your track record on similar projects?

This project has been exisiting since May 2023.

On the team:
Daniel Wernstedt
Organizational consultant and agile coach with >10 years of experience from e.g. the Swedish Foreign Aid Agency, as well as running several smaller prjects for EA Sweden since 2017.

Pia Fåk Sunnanbo
Senior developer and organizational consultant working for the Swedish climate tech organization GoClimate as well as former organizer of the biggest agile conference in Northern Europe, Agila Sverige, and co-founder the biggest agile sustainability conference in the world, Agilists4Planet.

Track record of this project since its start in May 2023:

-Met with 12 EA- or adjacent organizations

-Increased the network of volunteering senior professionals from 6 to 78 individuals

Examples of what we have done are
> 5 ongoing monthly executive coaching commitments with usually founders of EA orgs
1 Value stream mapping to greatly incease the amounts donated to an effective giving platform
1 instalement of new payment system for another effective giving platform and updated CRM system
1 online workshop design and facilitation
1 online work day design including a pitch to key stakeholders of redistributing a >$100 million to more effective causes
1 compensation package template for employees for a high impact org

What are the most likely causes and outcomes if this project fails?

Many Effective Altruist organization will not get to have more and faster impact than they are having now

Possibly a few EA or adjacent organization that would cease to exist due to lack of expert organizational competence

What other funding are you or your project getting?

We have received no funding yet.

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