Trevor Klee


$200total balance
-$450charity balance
$650cash balance

$0 in pending offers

About Me

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Outgoing donations


Manifund Bank7 months agodeposit+200
<1f94bf14-22f0-4929-baae-4f3b679b2dfd>over 1 year agoprofile donation150
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) timelines ignore the social factor at their perilover 1 year agouser to user trade+50
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) timelines ignore the social factor at their perilover 1 year agouser to user trade+100
<1f94bf14-22f0-4929-baae-4f3b679b2dfd>almost 2 years agoprofile donation500
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) timelines ignore the social factor at their perilalmost 2 years agouser to user trade+500