RobertCousineau avatar
Robert Cousineau


$104.21total balance
$4.21charity balance
$100cash balance

$0 in pending offers


Outgoing donations


Manifold x College Admissionsbought $25 @ $250 valuation
London dating showsbought $250 @ $3K valuation
Invest in the Conflux Manifold Media Empire(??)bought $2.8 @ $278 valuation
Isaac's Blog Writingbought $33 @ $1K valuation
N.C. Young's Umbrella Projectbought $13 @ $250 valuation
Manifold merch storebought $1 @ $677 valuation
Isaac's power-user Manifold search and dashboardbought $639 @ $2.5K valuation
Mirrorbotbought $17 @ $1.67K valuation


RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

about 1 month ago

Donating mainly out of interest in the ERT, but also out of appreciation for the Sentinel Minutes

RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

about 1 year ago

Our first meetup (December 20th) went wonderfully - we had 17 attendees, got manifold usernames/discords from most of them, and had a genuinely fun time. I believe there were 5 new users.

I got distracted over the holidays, so our second meetup (yesterday) was poorly advertised and got much lower attendance. I'm about to set up a weekly series though to both make up for the missed week, and to help make it more of a 'thing' (as David suggests below).

Stefanie has also been a wonderful help!

RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

about 1 year ago

I'm really hopeful for this! College admissions are really stressful, there is an existing market for likelihood of admission, and the group of people who would even think about probabilities of college are noticeably more likely than the general population to like manifold. Further, @cc6 is positioned well to get a first set of users (and it could also separately be quite valuable to/get early users from proofniks, who already sporadically make markets like he is describing).

RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

about 1 year ago

@DusanDNesic that lesswrong writeup is awesome. I've been wanting to set something like CEEALAR (or even just a co=working space like you have) in the US, but finding something that is near/in a major metro and is cheap enough I can fund it is very tough. Quite happy you are doing so in Belgrade!

That is a nice guest list!

Out of personal curiosity, I'd be interested in a write-up (quarterly?) of what is going on, but it seem like you are ahead of the game there so far :)

RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

over 1 year ago

Are you able to provide more information about the office space you are looking at, the expected monthly cost, if you have people you know would take you up on it, etc?

RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

over 1 year ago

We're having our first meetup!

Bet on attendance here. Bet on attendee attributes here.

Thanks to everyone who helped fund it!

RobertCousineau avatar

Robert Cousineau

over 1 year ago

I have found Isaac's work on the search function to make my time on manifold much more valuable (I've even paypaled him for it prior to this). Discoverability for older markets is so much better with it than without, allowing us to have accurate probabilities for lower interest questions while still taking less new user attention for them. It gives a much more information dense view than the normal Manifold search, which is beautiful. I have faith the further improvements he makes will be wonderful!


Fund Sentinel for Q1-2025about 1 month agoproject donation1000
Manifund Bankabout 1 month agodeposit+1000
Future-Proofing Forecasting: Easy Open-Source Solution5 months agoproject donation40
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolis12 months agoinject amm liquidity+100
BAIS (ex-AIS Hub Serbia) Office Space for (Frugal) AI Safety Researchersabout 1 year agoproject donation25
BAIS (ex-AIS Hub Serbia) Office Space for (Frugal) AI Safety Researchersabout 1 year agoproject donation125
London dating showsabout 1 year agouser to user trade250
Manifund Bankabout 1 year agodeposit+250
Manifund Bankabout 1 year agodeposit+125
Manifold x College Admissionsabout 1 year agouser to user trade20
Manifold x College Admissionsabout 1 year agouser to user trade5
Mirrorbotabout 1 year agouser to user trade17
Manifund Bankabout 1 year agodeposit+100
Isaac's power-user Manifold search and dashboardover 1 year agouser to user trade400
Isaac's power-user Manifold search and dashboardover 1 year agouser to user trade239
Manifund Bankover 1 year agodeposit+200
Robert Cousineauover 1 year agocash to charity transfer400
Manifold merch storeover 1 year agouser to amm trade1
Isaac's Blog Writingover 1 year agouser to user trade33
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agoinject amm liquidity100
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agouser to user trade+100
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agouser to user trade+25
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agouser to user trade+100
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agouser to user trade+200
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agouser to user trade+50
Manufacture Manyfold Manifolders in the Maritime Metropolisover 1 year agouser to user trade+25
N.C. Young's Umbrella Projectover 1 year agouser to user trade13
Invest in the Conflux Manifold Media Empire(??)over 1 year agouser to amm trade3
Manifund Bankover 1 year agodeposit+100